Wawasan Volume XXV – 1 Andy Endra Krisna


(A Case  Study at Yos Sudarso Senior High School Kepanjen, Malang)

Andy Endra Krisna dan Rini Susrijani

Dosen jurusan DIII Manajemen Perkantoran, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Widya Karya, Malang.

e-mail: [email protected],


This study was conducted to analyze high school students’ understanding of vocabulary. The students were the tenth graders of Yos Sudarso Senior High School Kepanjen, Malang. In this study, the students were asked to learn vocabulary using Simulation Technique with a theme Stationaries. They acted as sellers and buyers. Some items of stationery prepared for this simulation to provide visualization and facilitate the students in understanding the names of the items in English. The research method used in this research was the Classroom Action Research. Some stages were applied in this study, namely; planning, action, observation, and reflection. These stages were stages in one cycle. In data collection, the data were analyzed and the results were used to measure the success of the research target. The research was success when the average student has reached the minimum passing grade 75. The conclusion was that Simulation Technique could improve the mastery of vocabulary.


Keywords: improving, vocabularies, simulation technique.

Halaman 35 – 41

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