Wawasan Volume XXV – 1 Herdinastiti




Herdinastiti1, Lisa Kurniawati2, dan Theresia Umi Widayati3

1,2,3)Dosen Jurusan Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang

Alamat korespondensi: Jl. Bondowoso No. 2 Malang.

Email: [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected]


Marketing is a process to make vegetables delivered to the consumers in high quality. In that process the vegetable vendor in traditional market have transactions with consumer, so that they transfer property rights from the vendor to the consumer. Through transactions vegetable consumers can bargain to reach a price agreement. The money that paid by consumers, if accumulated will be income for trader from vegetable distribution business that has been done. The purposes of this research are: 1) Determine the income analysis of vegetable vendor in traditional markets Malang. 2) To analyze the effect of capital amount, hours of work and vegetables amount against income vegetable vendor in Malang’s traditional market. The population in this study is a vegetable vendor in the Merjosari Market, Klojen Market, Blimbing Market, Sukun Market, Mergan Market, and Tanjung Market. The sample in this research is 30 respondents using accidental sampling method (Man to Man Questioner). Data analysis techniques used in this research is the analysis of income by the B / C Ratio and multiple regression analysis. The results of this research are: 1) The business of vegetable vendors in Malang’s traditional markets said to be beneficial for the B / C > 1 is 2.37. 2) Partially variables that affect income vegetable vendors in Malang’s traditional markets is a variable amount hours of work. 3) Simultaneously the three variables that used in the income analysis are the capital amount; hours of work and amount of vegetable that sold are all significant.

Halaman 28 – 34

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