Wawasan Volume II – 1 M. Sri Susilowati



Anthocyanins as natural dyes can be applied to soft drinks, candy, and milk-based products such as yogurt and cheese. Anthocyanin for health benefits is its ability to capture free radicals and antioxidants. Cyanidin to be one type of anthocyanin primarily on purple sweet potato.
Stability of anthocyanin is influenced by factors such as oxygen, pH, temperature, light, ionic metals (tin, iron, aluminum, and magnesium), ascorbic acid, and enzymes. Flavilium cation core of anthocyanin pigments shortage of electrons (positive charge) so that very reactive. The reactions that occur due to the presence of light, metal, high temperature, high pH, and chemical components generally cause damage anthocyanin.
This study was conducted in two stages: first the extraction of anthocyanins from purple sweet potato by the method of subcritical water at a temperature of 115oC, 15 minutes at a pressure of 1.3 atm best results Yudiono study (2011). Both applications anthocyanin extract into 3 types of isotonic drinks and observed stability during storage. Using a completely randomized design nested pattern of program Design Expert 7.0.0 followed by Tukey’s Test.
This study aims to: (1) determine the stability of purple sweet potato anthocyanin extract was applied into isototonik soft drinks, (2) obtain the components in soft drinks isototonik that affect the stability of anthocyanin extracts.

Keywords: stabilitas, antosianin, ubi jalar ungu, minuman isotonik, subcritical water

Halaman 58 – 65

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