Wawasan Volume I – 2 Lisa Kurniawati

Pengaruh Faktor Sosial Ekonomi Terhadap Curahan Kerja Petani Dalam Usaha Tani Pertanian Organik
(Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Sukun, Kecamatan Sukun, Kota Malang)




The man power of farmers working is influenced by various social economic factors, such as age of famers, education level, experience, number of family members, land area, and income. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of socio-economic factors that influence the most dominant of the man power of farmers working in the organic farming
This reaserch implemented at Sukun Village, Sukun Sub District, Malang, because at this region be found a group of organic agriculture farmer. The sampling technique used random sampling. Population amount is 160 farmers and number of sample is 38 farmers. Method of data analysis using multiple regreson analysis
The result showed the factors of social economic, suh as age, education, experience, number of family members, land area, significantly influenced the man power of farmers working. The most dominant factor influenced the man power of farmers working in the organic farming is a number of family members, with value of regression parameter 0,538. It means if a number of family members increases 1%, then the man power of farmers working in the organic farming will increase by 53,8%.

Keywords: man power, organic farming and social economic factors

halaman 65 – 79

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