Jurnal Wawasan Volume III No.2 – Kukuk Yudiono

IbM KELOMPOK INDUSTRI RUMAH TANGGA (IRT) SARI KEDELAI DI DESA DONOMULYO KABUPATEN MALANG ABSTRACT The purpose ofthe implementation of this IbM is to help develop both the IRT soy milk thus increasing the quantity and quality of governance in addition to being more modern in order to be able to compete with similar industries already… Continue reading Jurnal Wawasan Volume III No.2 – Kukuk Yudiono

Wawasan Vol III – 1 Andy Endra Krisna

NILAI MORAL YANG TERKANDUNG DALAM NASKAH FILM “COACH CARTER” YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PEMBANGUNAN KARAKTER ABSTRACT This study was conducted to analyze the script of “Coach Carter” movie which further developed to find the implied moral values. In this study, one question emerged, namely; what are the moral values found in “Coach Carter” film script? The… Continue reading Wawasan Vol III – 1 Andy Endra Krisna

Wawasan Vol III – 1 Paraou Paskalis Sitanggang

PEMERIKSAAN SAKSI SECARA TIDAK URUT DALAM PERKARA PIDANA DITINJAU DARI UU NO. 8 TAHUN 1981 TENTANG KITAB UNDANG-UNDANG HUKUM ACARA PIDANA ABSTRACT Penelitian ini berangkat dari kenyataan dalam praktek peradilan di Pengadilan Negeri Malang, dimana dalam dalam satu perkara No 53/Pid.B/2013/ PN.Mlg. Dalam perkara tersebut pemeriksaan saksi-saksi dipersidangan dilakukan secara tidak urut, artinya saksi pelopar… Continue reading Wawasan Vol III – 1 Paraou Paskalis Sitanggang

Jurnal Wawasan Volume III No.2 -Celina Tri Siwi Kristiyanti

KEDUDUKAN DAN KEWENANGAN OTORITAS JASA KEUANGAN(OJK)TERHADAP PERLINDUNGAN KONSUMENLEMBAGA JASA KEUANGAN (LJK)DI WILAYAH KOTA MALANG ABSTRACT The Financial Services Authority was formed with the purposes that the over all activity of financial servicesinthe financial services sector might be held in a regular, fair, transparent, and accountable manner, that it is able to realize a financial system… Continue reading Jurnal Wawasan Volume III No.2 -Celina Tri Siwi Kristiyanti

Wawasan Vol III – 1 Dewi Ratih

DETERMINASI STRUKTUR MODAL BERDASARKAN PERSPEKTIF PECKING ORDER THEORY DAN TRADE-OFF THEORY DI INDONESIA (Studi Komparatif pada Perusahaan PMA dan Perusahaan PMDN) ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze and evaluate the differences in the structure of multinational companies (PMA) to domestic company (PMDN) in Indonesia based on the perspective of the trade-off theory and the pecking… Continue reading Wawasan Vol III – 1 Dewi Ratih

Jurnal Wawasan Volume III No.2 – Herdinastiti

ANALISIS PERSEPSI KONSUMEN SEMBAKO PADA TEMPAT BERBELANJA DI KOTA PANDAAN ABSTRACT Shopping place selection is a function of consumer and shopping characteristic. The consumer’s perception of nine basic commodities (sembako) to the shopping place criterias may be different from each other. By knowing the level of sembako’s consumer perceptions on some commonly visited shopping places… Continue reading Jurnal Wawasan Volume III No.2 – Herdinastiti

Wawasan Volume II – 1 M. Sri Susilowati

EVALUASI WARNA DAN STABILITAS ANTOSIANIN UBI JALAR UNGU DALAM MINUMAN RINGAN ISOTONIK ABSTRACT Anthocyanins as natural dyes can be applied to soft drinks, candy, and milk-based products such as yogurt and cheese. Anthocyanin for health benefits is its ability to capture free radicals and antioxidants. Cyanidin to be one type of anthocyanin primarily on purple… Continue reading Wawasan Volume II – 1 M. Sri Susilowati

Categorised as Wawasan

Wawasan Vol III – 1 Benedictus Sonny Yoedono

ANALISIS KUAT TARIK BAHAN KOMPOSIT SERAT RUMPUT PAYUNG (CYPERUS ALTERNIFOLIUS DENGAN MATRIK PVAC (POLYVINYL ACETATE) ABSTRACT Jurnal halaman 1 – 10 [google-drive-embed url=”https://drive.google.com/a/widyakarya.ac.id/file/d/1bMMt1ApdET9tXt5-rYx_baPa8FYSscc9/preview?usp=drivesdk” title=”universitas katolik widya karya wawasan 2015 1 benedictus.pdf” icon=”https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/pdf” width=”100%” height=”400″ style=”embed”] download file disini [google-drive-embed url=”https://drive.google.com/a/widyakarya.ac.id/uc?id=1bMMt1ApdET9tXt5-rYx_baPa8FYSscc9&export=download” title=”universitas katolik widya karya wawasan 2015 1 benedictus.pdf” icon=”https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/pdf” style=”download”]